When You Oppress…

A concise book mainly focusing on key issues like abuse, brutality, cruelty, discrimination, exploitation, harm, inequity, injustice, mistreatment, oppression, prejudice, transgression, unfairness, and wrongdoing. Table of Contents:… Read more…

Islam and Yoga

Yoga, as it is practiced today, has extended to Muslim & Arab nations in the guise of health, fitness, and wellbeing. Surprisingly, yoga training centers, including run-of-the-mill… Read more…

Traditional & Modern Imitations Of The Disbelievers

A book outlining various issues faced by Muslims with regards to imitating the disbelievers. This book takes you on a journey explaining their history and Islamic ruling… Read more…

Halaal & Haraam Animal Kingdom

This is the first book to present comprehensive, referenced Islamic laws governing every animal in the world. The book covers Islamic ruling on almost every creature on… Read more…

Islam For Teenagers

A simple guide explaining common issues faced by teenage Muslims. This book covers a wide range of challenges that Muslim adolescents face as they develop. Teenage brains… Read more…